Clogs in your plumbing are always a serious problem, but no plumbing clog is more serious than a clog in your sewer line. A blocked sewer drain will prevent all of your home's water fixtures and pipes from draining, effectively freezing your entire household and bringing the risk of backed up sewage, a serious health hazard. These blockages can be fairly expensive to have fixed, so it's a good idea to take a few simple steps to greatly reduce the likelihood of a sewer drain clog occurring.
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It's not uncommon for different parts of the country to experience heatwaves during the warm summer months. If you aren't careful when the temperature begins to soar, you may experience something called heatstroke. Here are 4 FAQs when it comes to heatstroke.
1. What Is Heatstroke?
While some people argue that 98.6 degrees F is considered a normal body temperature, others say it ranges anywhere from 97.7 degrees F to 99.
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If your home relies on a water well and suffers a loss of running water, you will want to quickly address the issue so that you can restore the flow of water to your house. However, homeowners will often be poorly equipped to diagnose and correct common issues with their water well system.
Ensure The Pump Is Receiving Enough Power
One of the first things that you should inspect when you notice an issue with your water system is to verify that your pump is receiving power.
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Owning a big dog comes with a lot of positives. The dogs are great guards, awesome to play with, and can provide a lot of comfort for the whole family. Big dogs can also create a big mess in your home. Keeping your dogs clean is almost a daily effort, especially if they are often going outside or if they shed a lot of hair. To help keep things more manageable, you can have a number of plumbing upgrades installed in your home.
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Owning a restaurant takes a lot of work, and you want to make sure your business is always operating as it should. Your sewer lines need special care since you are constantly having dishes washed and have many toilets being flushed by patrons. Here are 4 ways you can prevent clogging your restaurant's sewer line so you don't have accidental (and potentially dangerous) back flow in your establishment.
Dispose of Foods/Grease Properly
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