Tips And Tricks To Prevent Or Assist During A Plumbing Emergency
Every homeowner knows that their plumbing system needs regular maintenance to remain in good condition for years to come. That said, taking proper care of your plumbing is easier said than done. For best results, you may want to consider getting a professional plumber to come out for a regular check up on at least an annual basis. In the meantime, here are some tips and tricks to help ensure you can avoid or respond to any plumbing emergency that pops up.
Be Aware of Where Piping Is Before Any Project
If you will soon be driving nails into walls, making adjustments to your flooring, or making any other kind of change that could have you swinging a tool around your house, you should take a moment to figure out exactly where your pipes are located. You don't want to drive a nail deep into a wall and realize too late that you've just punctured a pipe. Look at the blueprint of your house if you have one or get a plumber to educate you the next time one comes out for an inspection. Know the number of a local emergency plumbing service in case you do accidentally make a mistake.
A Hand Vacuum May Be Better Than a Plunger
A plunger works well for most toilet clogs. But if you drop something down a drain like the one in your bathroom or kitchen sink, that same plunger might not be the best solution. For example, if you drop something hard like your toothbrush down into the drain, a plunger could actually cause the object to go further down. Invest in a vacuum that has a small hand attachment. It's better to try and suck a hard object back up out of the drain than to use a plunger.
Know Where the Shutoff Valve Is Located and How to Use It
In the event that you do puncture a pipe or have water flowing uncontrollably for some other reason, you will need to know how to shut off the water supply in order to avoid significant water damage. To that end, find out where your shutoff valve is located. Turn this valve all the way to the right to stop water from coming into your home. Make sure your spouse and children also know how to use this in case you are not home when a plumbing emergency occurs.
Contact a local plumber today for more information.